Health and Wellness Marketing Trends & Insights | Quaintise

Maria Shriver Shares Advice On Managing Caregivers At Work

Written by Raquel Baldelomar | Mar 23, 2018 5:05:18 AM

As Baby Boomers age, many employees are taking on the role of caregiver at home to an aging relative. More than one in six Americans are working full- or part-time and caring for an elderly or disabled family member, according to a Gallup-Healthways survey . In addition, 70% of caregivers reported work-related difficulties as a result of their dual roles, according to the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. Caregivers have had to rearrange their schedules, decrease hours or take unpaid leave of absences in order to care for an aging family member. They have also received warnings about tardiness, job performance and leaving early.