I’m sure you’ve seen them – those Facebook posts from happy customers explaining a recent amazing experience at a local restaurant or grocery store. I came across one today that was posted by a restaurant-goer on the Facebook Wall of a Chili’s. It was adorable, emotional and inspiring, and it garnered nearly 130,000 Likes, 30,000 Shares, and hundreds of Comments. Stories like this touch people, and do far more for your healthcare marketing campaign than any paid advertisement ever could.
So, how do you make this happen for your practice? Follow these easy steps:
1. Provide The Best Service At All Times – You need to be the best family physician! But, here in lies the rub. It’s not about being the most knowledgeable, quickest or most efficient doctor, it’s about truly connecting with your patients. It’s about doing those little things that make a difference. When a Facebook Fan writes a touching story about a lunch at Chili’s, or a shopping trip to Target, it’s not because they received typical service; it’s because they were surprised by the little things that were done to make them feel special. Which brings us to tip number two in healthcare marketing on Facebook…
2. Make Them Feel Special -- Your patients need to feel special. In fact, they need to feel that every one of them is special to you and your staff.
3. When it Rains – These positive comment stories are Facebook are like a waterfall. Once you get one or two, you’ll notice that all of a sudden you’re seeing more and more roll in. People like the positive vibes, they like the inspirational stories. If you do end up getting one of these positive comments on your Wall, share it!
4. Make it Public – One of the big mistakes that many physicians make on Facebook is to ignore comments and Wall posts. If a Fan posts something on your Wall, read it, even if it’s invisible to everyone else. If you get one of these positive comments, make absolutely sure to highlight it on your Wall and Share it with your Fans. They will comment and share it with their friends and family, and you will have a viral post. This will do wonders for your Facebook page.
The Quaintise team has the knowledge to make these posts go viral for you, increasing your “likability” as well as your brand awareness, but it’s up to you as the physician to make sure you’re on your top game at all times.
Example of one of these positive Facebook Posts....