We don’t often talk about Twitter here on the Quaintise blog, but can be an integral part of your social media brand campaign. Like Facebook, Twitter relies on engagement, connections, and conversation. This week some exciting news has comes out of Twitter regarding brand pages and some new opportunities for brand marketing.
Twitter Brand Pages
This week, Twitter has unveiled a brand new design that, according to Marketing Week, gives brands more creative control over their official pages. Twitter has long been a source for breaking news, spreading news quickly, and both starting and dowsing fires, both rumors and truth. From football players tweeting about their frustrations to celebrities posting rumor updates and ‘citizen reporters’ running with unconfirmed news stories, Twitter is a place for pretty much everything.
And yet, with all of the possibilities, Twitter has stood true to its own brand message to not sell out and overload the site with advertisements. It’s the overload of advertising and messaging that led to the downfall of MySpace, once a site more popular then Twitter and Facebook combined.
The new Twitter look will allow brands to place a header atop their pages. While it might not seem like much to many outside of the social marketing industry, this is a big step in the right direction for brands on Twitter. Much like Facebook has changed its personal profile pages to allow for a large ‘header’ image, Twitter is allowing brands more creative control with this move.
Twitter has also launched a new ability for brands to promote their own tweets to the top of their profile timeline. From a marketing perspective, this is also huge in that it allows brands to constantly share product specials or upcoming events. By having these promoted tweets at the top of their timeline at all times, visitors to that Twitter brand page will have instant access to ReTweet those specials and events.
Twitter has never been talked about with the same marketing respect that platforms such as Facebook and Youtube has, simply because it was more of a place to have conversations and handle customer service questions. These recent updates by Twitter has interested many marketers and big brands who are now taking another look at using this social media platform to reach their audience.