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Physicians – Don’t Waste Half of Your Marketing Budget

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By targeting the right consumer at the right time, the right place with the right message, we can get the most out of a marketing budget.  In other words, fish where the fish are.  Put your time, effort and money where they can do the most good. –

In healthcare marketing, many times the budget dictates the campaigns, which reverberates into results. The bigger the marketing budget, the more flexibility an advertising firm has and the greater reach that agency can accomplish for its clients. However, spending that budget wisely, no matter how large or small it may be, can truly mean the difference between results and waste.

Improved Data and Targeting

Healthcare marketing agencies in Los Angeles with their hands on the pulse of big data have the right idea. Not only understanding your audiences demographics, but their behavior during any given moment of the day increases the likelihood that you’ll hit them at the right time, in the right place, with the right message. From loyalty cards to credit card spending habits, from the types of food purchases made to the types of interests on Facebook – all of these things and more are categorized, reviewed for behavior patterns, relationship patterns, and much more with one goal in mind – to improve targeting and remarketing.

So, the process of marketing becomes less about split testing and wasting half of your budget on advertising that is not effective, and more about developing ad campaigns that will hit the right audience, at the right time, on the right platform. In terms of healthcare marketing, this not only retains and optimizes a much greater percentage of the client’s budget, it improves upon the money spent – and that’s money spent well.

Consumer Intent and Marketing Budgets

In addition to more efficient audience targeting, healthcare marketing agencies on the cusp of advertising trends know how to identify and market to a consumer’s intent, creating a personalized online experience that reaps some serious results.

Marketing to a consumer’s intent is superlative, and the future of healthcare marketing. Healthcare agencies with their fingers on the pulse of the future of advertising understand that when a consumer clicks on your banner ad, FB page, or mobile app, there is intent to complete a purpose. What is it that made them click through and how can you capitalize on it?

Quaintise has the answers to that question and many more. No matter how large or small your healthcare marketing budget is, we have the resources, experience, and proficiency to accomplish your goals. Give us a call today!