You’ve got an impeccable brand image, growing brand equity, a positive advertising campaign, increased Fan relationships, and strict marketing plan. What’s next? Business development. A business development company will have excellent skills in all forms...
Creating, developing, and producing a TV commercial is a process that few can accomplish effectively. The progression from client-agency meeting, to marketing briefing and strategy, to brainstorming and client presentation, to drawing board and final...
Do you have a ‘smartphone?’ Odds are, you happen to be one of the estimated 37.9 million Apple users or 23.8 million Android users, not including Windows and Blackberry mobiles, who jump on that mobile device every single day. According to the “State of...
I love Pandora, and here’s why; it’s personalized to my style of music. I put in a few songs or artists that I enjoy, and Pandora puts together an entire array of stations to fit my personal preference. I love Google because it is looking to do the same...
Understanding your brand is one thing, translating the brand into an effective message is another thing, but understanding your brand from the audience’s point of view is an entirely different conversation. User experience has been a huge topic for the...
What are your business goals? This is the golden question, the one every public relations firm and advertising agency should be asking every new client. When you started your business, were you excited about the possibilities for growth, of influence, or...
There’s been quite a buzz online this week about cultivating connections with your audience for many reasons. Many in the SEO field are noticing some changes in Google’s algorithms where visitor behavior and user experience is becoming more crucial than...
Brand awareness, brand recognition, and ultimately brand equity lies within the power of your business logo. While there are many marketing techniques to augment your brand reputation, having a logo that speaks to people with consistency and...
What holds more value; a lifelong customer or a customer that campaigns for your brand? What do you think resonates more with customers; service and accountability or price and product? As we’ve gone over in the past, brand equity can completely erase...
Building a brand, marketing your brand, and inciting conversations in media are all tactics leading up to one thing; web influence. Influence on the web is paramount to increasing brand awareness, brand recognition, and thus augmenting your customer base...