Latest Healthcare Marketing Insights

Your Logo is More Than What it Seems

Brand awareness, brand recognition, and ultimately brand equity lies within the power of your business logo. While there are many marketing techniques to augment your brand reputation, having a logo that speaks to people with consistency and...

From Problem to Solution - Making the Sale

We are all in the business of sales. Whether you’re looking to grow your customer base, sell more products, increase patient load, or generate some new leads, sales plays a huge role. And whether it’s through strategic marketing plans, public relations,...

Submitting the Perfect Media Pitch

Any business, whether it’s big or small, can gain a lot from just a little press coverage. As the old saying goes, no press is bad press, and while that’s true in most cases, it’s always better to have the press on your side when building your brand....

Customers or Brand Advocates?

What holds more value; a lifelong customer or a customer that campaigns for your brand? What do you think resonates more with customers; service and accountability or price and product? As we’ve gone over in the past, brand equity can completely erase...

Selecting Influencers For Your Brand

Building a brand, marketing your brand, and inciting conversations in media are all tactics leading up to one thing; web influence. Influence on the web is paramount to increasing brand awareness, brand recognition, and thus augmenting your customer base...

How To Turn Your Brand Into A Commodity

“Aspirin and Cellophane were once trademarks that weren’t adequately defended. Now they’re generic.” – Alan C. Drewsen, Executive Director of the International Trademark Association What is your brand? Is it an idea, a feeling, a trend, or something...

What Are Your Business Intentions?

If you haven’t heard of (Help a Reporter Out), it’s a superb resource for connecting journalists with expert sources. The site began nearly on accident, as many of these social resources do, by a former PR guru who had connections to everyone....

Understanding Your Audience Through Segmentation

Understanding your target audience is crucial to building a successful marketing plan, and thus translating that plan into effective action. Whether the campaign is in Phoenix advertising, Scottsdale public relations, or online media, appreciating your...

Getting Social with Public Relations

Any Scottsdale public relations professional will gladly point out how useful social media has become, but when you ask them to explain their social media PR techniques and strategies, they’ll tell you ‘it’s a trade secret.’ Unfortunately, for business...

Managing the Creative Process

Managing your team’s creative process can be daunting. Graphic artists, advertising professionals and promotional firms can all be extremely passionate about their work, and are sometimes hard to reign in. When it’s your business, your brand, and...