Latest Healthcare Marketing Insights

OB/GYN Marketing - Having an Authentic Brand Message

OB/GYN Marketing is very different than many other medical marketing disciplines, simply because the target audience is so specific and the topic can be a little bit delicate. You don’t want to overstep any subtle boundaries with your content and social...

OB/GYN Branding and Marketing Effectively

Do you know where the target market for your patient base is? Who are your patients and how far do they travel to get to your OB/GYN office? Is your practice the only game in town or are there myriad medical choices? Because of the competition in the...

Marketing For A New Medical Generation

Healthcare marketing is a growing field, which is a wonderful thing if you are at the receiving end of the marketing benefits. However, as reimbursement rates decrease, healthcare discussions rage, insurance premiums strike the middle-class, and...

Building Brand Trust in Consistency

Determining and creating your company brand is the single, greatest business decision that you will ever make. The brand can make or break your business, and a consistent brand can build unconditional trust between an audience and a product or service....

How To Build a Strong Business Brand

The downfall of every business is the race to the top. Unprepared runners run out of energy, strength and determination before the race ends, failing at completing their goal or sluggishly crossing the finish line with nothing to show for it. Marketing...

Facebook Best Medical Marketing Practices

The ultimate purpose of any social media profile is to create a buzz in order to generate traffic and leads. Growing an online presence does nothing for the bottom line if it does not redirect traffic to the source; the company website. Small Arizona...

Setting Up A Business Facebook Page - The Basics

The importance of having a social media presence is truly unmatched by many other medical marketing strategies. Along with content development and distribution, on-site and off-site optimization, and link building, social media has become a fundamental...

Why Every Physician Needs A Social Presence

Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are more than just something to do in your spare time, they are essential in the world of medical marketing. Building your business brand on social networks is a key ingredient to increasing your...

Leveraging Google Health for Medical Marketing

“On any given day, more people are posing health questions to Google than posing health questions to their doctors.” -- Google’s chief health strategist, Dr. Roni.

Marketing in Healthcare – The Digitally Optimized Press Release

A press release can do more for your business than you probably realize, especially in our advanced digital era. Technology can take a simple few paragraphs, and, if optimized effectively and marketed towards the right audience, can blow them into a...